Chicago Speakeasy created by -AN-Chicago 17 years ago

Plays: 237 Favorites: 1
Genre: Jazz Mood: Soft/Quiet Theme: Other

It's the era of Prohibition. Alcohol is illegal and mobster rule the streets of Chicago. Moonshine runs to speak-easys are a sure way for extra cash. :D What happened there, you ask? Drinking, dancing. Ohhh the flappers and their dresses. :D! 333

Yay! The 20's are makin' a comeback!!! Maybe not.. ; But this was fun. :D! 3 Enjoy.

- DJ ChiTown

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-AN-Chicago - 17 years ago

Thanks Skippeh. :) That really means a lot, you supershaker you! <33 -- I did try to go for something outside of my normal style, thinking it turned out fairly well. -- I havent missed an event, but I'm pretty sure The Shake Staff doesn't care for me. :(

I've been in the Top 10 [or 6, for that matter].. but other than that first contest, never actually placed. I get my songs booted ;_____; Idk why. -- So In closing, Im not sure I -want- to enter the shakejam contest. I know I wont win, and whats the point in competing if there no chance? :(

However! I will continue to shake, contest or no. :) <33 Shakers! Keep doin yo thang.

SkippNinja12 - 17 years ago

o.o. where's your entry for the shakejam event? xD
you haven't missed any events o.o
start shaking!! xD
great track btw
you really took a whole 180 turn with your songs when i was gone xD
but it's still great you know what you're doin :P
keep on amazing me my friend i look forward to it ^^

-AN-Chicago - 17 years ago

Thanks :O!!! And ftw happened to the Top 50 Charts? All these new songs with like.. 1 comment and 1 hit. o_o;

Sykres - 17 years ago

Awesome :O

-AN-Chicago - 17 years ago

Thanks.. for.. the feedback o-o

missbaby97 - 17 years ago

Check out my songs dont leave me baby and your akways in my mind

-AN-Chicago - 17 years ago

Haha, thanks boys. <3 ^_^ Its kinda what I was goin for.

DJ Galaxy - 17 years ago

Great song! (:

Check out my new song "Hypnotized". Feedback is extremely appreciated!

Ballala - 17 years ago

This song has a classy feel to it..I LOVE IT!! Very unique, you can never go wrong with a jazz song. ^^

-AN-Chicago - 17 years ago

Doesnt everyone love the mobster-era? :)

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