Cryss Style - Classical For You 2012 created by CryssStyle 13 years ago

Plays: 12 Favorites: 2
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Passionate/Hot Theme: Other

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ataurus - 8 years ago

I think your experiment was successful. :) Try to make your next song STAND OUT. This one is very beautiful, but what's making it different from similar "programmed set of stuff"?

ataurus - 8 years ago

I was tempted to think why people post on Musicshake. Here's what I came up with (the list is probably incomple).
- My "song" is a masterpiece
- I long for attention and praise
- My "song" will entertain lots of people
- I experiment with music and community, etc.
- I want to prove my "song" is the best
- I prove my skills
- I seek advice
- My "song" reflects my emotional state
- My song promotes a specific genre
- I always get praise
- This is my best effort to deliver
- My "song" sounds better

DerekParsey - 8 years ago

Nice work!

Th3P1NK5T3R - 8 years ago

Very moving! :)

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