Never Again created by sargis 13 years ago

Plays: 24 Favorites: 2
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Thanksgiving

Never Again

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oeroe2911 - 9 years ago

AMAZiNG COOLaSHAKER !!!!!! Love it my friend!! Will SOON B BACK to FoLLoW in your F00TSTEPS!! Freaking HiGH FiVE & FAVVVVVV & a Complete STARSYSTEM (****************) <#@@#> OEROE

davidk - 7 years ago

Still waiting on that comeback my brother from another mother see ya at the crossroads my friend!!

davidk - 9 years ago

Soooooo... When you coming back.. You're a fucking legend here man. I'm here to follow in your footsteps.

davidk - 9 years ago

Wooooo hooooo the master of techno loves it!!!!! Did y'all read that? Glad you enjoyed it my friend.

Broen - 8 years ago

Wow David, that sounds awesome. Pure listening pleasure. Fantastic arrangement. A+ quality :D

davidk - 8 years ago

Thanks Broen!!!! Long time no see. Good to see you back here on the shake.

DVRecords - 8 years ago

Sounds very interesting and relaxing. Good job!

davidk - 8 years ago

Thanks. That was made on my phone using puffin web browser. :) as with all new sounds I upload. Glad you liked it.

NorwichCity2 - 9 years ago

Thanks for the link, David!

davidk - 9 years ago

No problem bud!! So how was it?? Did you enjoy this trancy trip?

LadyFawkes - 9 years ago

David....I am SO glad that I waited to listen to this tune. When you first handed me the link, I was in the middle of yet another existential crisis....I was sick with two nasty viruses as well as needing to attend a funeral for my dear grandmother who had passed away. We all know what being around family at a funeral can be like....

Anyway, I like to save your songs for times when I can listen with a minimum of distraction. I LOVE this one. You did significantly more to tweak the details...

davidk - 9 years ago

I think at times we could all use some prayer. Not just when things go bad but when they are also good. To me there is no before my time. When it's my time that's it. God can have me then.

LadyFawkes - 9 years ago

TYVM for the regard, Ninja! That is very kind of you. <3

PianoNinja - 9 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear that, Lady Fawkes! :(( I'll be praying for you!

LadyFawkes - 9 years ago

Very sorry that there was the death in your family as well. * hug* Personally, I can't decide if being at the funerals and stuff is better or worse....

I hate telling you about healthstuff but I'd merely seem like an uncaring flake if I weren't honest about my absences. And yeah, I'm a soldier. As long as I can keep getting my medicine I have a reasonable chance. Otherwise I'm dead without it. I"d rather work the fields hard labor 12 hrs/day than have autoimmunity. Can't walk away from health.

davidk - 9 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my grandpa last week as well. I didn't get to go to the memorial I had to work. He wasn't buried just cremated. I am glad I could provide you with a story to ease your mind. It's my honor. I hate to read about your health issues and I know it's got to be hard but you're a soldier!!!

LadyFawkes - 9 years ago

...when in comparison to your other tunes. I've listened to this one 2 or 3 times and I love that I notice something different each time. You build songs the way I love to write and read create them in a multi-layered way so that listeners (readers) at every level can get something out of it.

1) Casual listening: pleasing sounds;
2) Moderate: great synths layering;
3) Advanced: Smooth transitions, free-flowing consistency throughout.

That, my friend, is a story.

PianoNinja - 9 years ago

Sorry I couldn't get to this within it's first week of being out! Glad to be back.
But ANYWAY, totally GREAT as usual, man. I've never seen many faults or distortion in any of your stuff, yet I can't seem to get four to five techno tracks at once to cooperate for me! This deserves my favorite and 5 stars! :DD

PianoNinja - 9 years ago

lol well you're great at techno, keep at it! ;)

davidk - 9 years ago

It's all good!!!! Hell I've responded back to people after years lol. Techno is my thang!!!!!! Who else ever heard of a techno redneck from Louisiana lol. I just make sounds I like and hope other people likes them also. I have no magic powers. Just two good listening ears. Power to the people!!!

Dreu - 9 years ago

I love the song man, really great! I could listen to your stuff all day. although If there was anything i think you could do better is try to be a little less repetitive, although sometimes its nice to just listen to the repetition and enjoy it. but great song nonetheless.

davidk - 9 years ago

Besides it's a little more challenging making these on a phone now. You have to fight the volume bar just to volume down on sounds. Picking a chord will sometimes erase the last chord. It can be a real pain in the ass.. Not to mention if I get a phone call I lose all progress unless I save it frequently.

davidk - 9 years ago

It's a little repetitive like most I make. It's an old ass program so I want my stuff to have like that ninties nostalgic feel to it when djs didn't do a whole lot of chord changes but the beats sounded tight. I focused more on blending the sounds rather than having a bunch of different drums or chord changes. I'll try to switch things up on my next go round. Glad you enjoyed my repetitive creation. :)

JBDBIB - 9 years ago

Woah. Should I be on something? I don't know, but it was definitely a fun mix. There's a lot of attention to detail, which I really appreciate. It's very well filtered. It turned out nicely.

JBDBIB - 9 years ago

Definitely will see it. It's worth it.

davidk - 9 years ago

You don't have to be on anything to enjoy the sounds I make but you might need to after lol. Thanks a million. Be cool to see your profile picture in the favorite section.

walpride102 - 9 years ago

da bomb has dropped, GS I loved it :D

davidk - 9 years ago

Thanks walpride!!! Be cool to see that wolf picture with the rest of people who faved this. :)

jaydee123 - 9 years ago

Aye, nice track dude. I love how well the synths mesh, you have a good eye for detail. you know how to harmonize unique sounds. I don't really need to say much, you know that i like a large portion of your tracks, and the quality speaks for itself based on your recent track record. great job.

davidk - 9 years ago

Thanks bud!!! I try to make things interesting around here. Yet there is still a bunch of sounds that I haven't used yet. It makes me happy when somebody else enjoys the noise I make here. I just wish they added more sounds. Thanks for the uplifting comment!!!

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