Night Ride created by xShezZangx 14 years ago

I was just starting this song a couple days ago, it was gonna be an up beat refreshing 'Night Ride' feel when just this morning at 4:30am my parents were called and told that my brother was in the hospital. It turns out he was in a fatal car crash. Two of his friends were killed and the other had a severe broken leg. His neck was broken and he's pretty jacked up. So it's kind of ironic, here i'm making a song about a night ride and my brother goes ahead and gets in an accident.
Yes, they were drinking and driving, and my brother and his friend were lucky. So don't drink and drive this is what you get! It made me realize how much i love him. So please pray for him or do what you do cuz my family has already been through so much.
Hope you enjoy my song~
Just made a new one, hope ya enjoy!
Hey! What's up, I have returned to begin Album II! This is track one, so hope you enjoy it and check back for more as well as remembering the older works. ;)
Spirit of the Age this techno song is one of my finest songs, in my opinion! it's dedicated to our planet, and all things living on it! I hope you will enjoy this song!
THE GOLDEN RULE My New techno song, hope you like it! OEROE
come and see my new video, of my latest song "Heaven will wait" !! it's awesome!
D0N'T THREAD 0N ME ! This is the final end remix of my song "die hards" , which I created on my Dutchshakers account. ( this is 'tha shit' guy's!)
TECHNOVISION My new technosong, which represents my taste for techno music!
this Special Halloween song, is a collaboration, between OEROE-RETEXID-CAB1
We wish you all a Happy....and dreadful HALL0WEEN !!~HAVE FUN!!!
a hyper techno song, which will cause total system failure, as soon you push on the replay button....but it does sound great!! LOL! try me! OEROE
SHAKERS PARADISE ! This marvelous Rock / Hip Hop Song is remixed from the song 'gansters paradise rock' which I created 2 years ago! I hope you all will enjoy the song! Cheers, OEROE!
THE BATTLE OF RAGNAROK This Epic Rock Song tells the Story of Odin, and the Battle of Ragnarok ! Ragnarok, the End of the World ! <#@@#> OEROE!
DIE HARDS ! It was about time, to shake my dutch brothers awake! LOL!@ so let's show the world these dutch shakers are no sissies , but DIE HARDS !! LOL! OEROE! <#@@#>
THE PROPHESY ( my masterpiece ! )