This is how you MOAN created by -AN-Chicago 18 years ago

Plays: 50 Favorites: 0
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Love/Romantic Theme: Other

Well.. after some prodding by my fellow AN member, all of whom a perverts like myself, I was coerced into moaning my way thru a song. No, not literally.. but after youtube prompted us with a how-to ***** track, it was decided that the burden would fall to me.

Now, I don't really care either way for this track.. it's got some comedic value due to over-moan, but other than that, it's definately not my heart-and-soul. LOL Strictly-dickly for fun, enjoy this.

*MOAN* Audi Ninjaz.

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HaderK - 15 years ago

just wonderful, i mean omg, i cant find an elaborate enough way to describe it. I am utterly speechless, and i have a broad vocabulary, and yet I am still dumbfounded on how to describe this elaborate compilation that make my ears scream from pure ecstasy, i mean hell, it's can only be described with one word and that is: Beautiful

songfreak - 15 years ago

have to agree with everything said below. Wow, great sequel great shake. Cheers!

AngelofDeath - 15 years ago

Def sci fi epic. I like it sorry i been up to other things lately.( editing a video getting ready to purchase my songs copyrights for the video's i am working on, someone said "if they were a movie he'd buy the soundtrack hehehe not far behind)) Going to try and check everyone out of course had to say wuzzup Silver.

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Lol. Thanks scootch, you know your solar systems, huh? :DD

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Haha. Thanks ma :D

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Thanks! :D

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Thanks Star ;D

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Thanks to you Donny

DonnyDark0 - 15 years ago

Good Piece Bra

iPinkStar - 15 years ago

Sounds like a nightmare.. In a good way though! Nice work ;)