Heroic Epic [Victory Theme] created by -AN-Chicago 18 years ago

Plays: 169 Favorites: 0
Genre: Other Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Other

This at first was my battle of Winds vs. Strings. After I added layers of other synths and beats, it sounded more like something you'd hear in Gladiator or summat like that. I couldn't think of a catchy name for it, but to me it sounds as a good background for victoreh! So, here you go. This one is for all you Heroes out there. 3 Xepheh, Dizz a.k.a. DTeK, Misheh, Licheh, Malkeh and all the rest of yew bp hooks. You know who you are. Toreador lives!33! LOL now.. just point and laugh if you want. But I actually have lyrics. .___. 3 My Audi heroes. :O I hope you enjoy the cheap laughs I just provided! 33

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fish - 18 years ago

nicely done... check my work percussion freak

drum show off (LIVE)


-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

This makes number 6 on the Top 50! o-o whatchu got nao!?

-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

Hitman. You were so pleasant here o_o Wdfux up wit dat?

XEPHER2021 - 18 years ago

i love you tore <3

Hitman001 - 18 years ago

hey nice song check out my songs some time and tell me how you like them

-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

LOL well thats just too bad.. :D Cuz I always read it as Clay , like stuff that you mold. Hence 'Kleh'. <333 You anyway ^_^

kley - 18 years ago

I <3 it, Tor! Beautiful, just beautiful! However, my name isn't pronounced Clay. It's Klee, rhymes with tree T_T!

-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

I wish I could just go all out. o_o at this point ive had a few too many drinks and i see a thumbs down. >| it makes me very loose tongued but instead ill just yell into my msn webcam ;_; because!.. i dont want this song DQ'd.

-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

LOL tyvm Malkeh <3 my inspiration to even make Toreador acct. .___. <3 for that. :D AND WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF YOU AUDTIONERS!? Are there no heroes among you to appreciate this? :(

Malkavian21 - 18 years ago

woow... really beautiful o: it makes me shiver becuz it's so beautiful <33 *-* good~!!