Ghetto Symphony created by -AN-Chicago 18 years ago

Plays: 176 Favorites: 0
Genre: R&B Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Other

It's my first song.. but coming to think on it, this could be another (as opposed to Hurricane Chicago) alernative, and it's only 2:09. :B Heh heh. But, I love it because its my taste in music. So as always, let meh know ;D Dont just be a DB and thumbs dayown.

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-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

Aha, and this one has been floating on the Top 50 WITHOUT Spam.K thx

MaIGNeY-MaiGNE - 18 years ago


-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

Oo souley saxaphone.. maybe..

JessDance86 - 18 years ago

i would call it soul symphony ;B

-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

^_^ Done and done, your stuff is awesome! :D I <3 the jabberwokee track xD

DTeK - 18 years ago

sick! went through and blazed thumbs up to all you tracks, If you get some time give a few of mine a listen, we have similar taste in music.


MaIGNeY-MaiGNE - 18 years ago

Still obsessed.

MaIGNeY-MaiGNE - 18 years ago

I am obsessed with this song. I really wish it was on my ipod so I can listen to it everyday in my pimp-mobiLE. Can't get enough of the saxamaphone! Showin tru CHITOWN essence!!

-AN-Chicago - 18 years ago

Idk? Its my first song x.x

AwwSnap - 18 years ago

How did you come up with this?