The Break is Over created by Doodletones 15 years ago

Plays: 27 Favorites: 4
Genre: Pop Mood: Sad/Melancholic Theme: Other

Original Title: Spring Break is Over (Demo)

Ill be doing more during the day, week, weekend giving you another demo each day until it is complete

I hated Spring Break to be over with it just got better after being a bordum filled break and then... School! I cat imagine what everyone did over break I know Minh (the one I dissed in "The Overachiever") went somewhere in the states (I remember him saying the Bahamas I think.) anyway. And its obvious everyone went to see that movie (cant remember what its called I may remember it when everyone starts talking bout it and put more info on here later today) anyway this also means less lyrical/musical guiness for you to hear untill the Weekend (or better yet Summer Break which Ill be making a music thing for that too [more info in May... MAYbe]) anyway... another demo tommarrow and I hope you see this before then!

Later... I decided SCREW the DEMO this is what I can do because my CPU hates me currently!

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awahine22 - 15 years ago

Very soothing and sweet,congrats on baby #2.

Tragon - 15 years ago

this song is very soothing throughout the strings really relax me :D great song

Chronos - 15 years ago

Nice lullaby!! :)
Very soothing...

alanmdunn - 15 years ago

This is Great! I think you pieced it together really well, very relaxing and even thought/imagination inspiring for me at least, it helps me travel my imagination :) Thanks for sharing

alanmdunn - 15 years ago

I was trying to listen to this song again and didn't see it on my Favorites list lol now it is so i can find it easy :) Good song for thinking about things indeed

Chart listings
Apr 04 2011
Apr 11 2011
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